Having a loved one in the criminal justice system can take an emotional toll on the family, children, and friends on the outside. Your physical and mental well-being is important. View our resources to help your physical and mental well-being.

A Checklist for Parents with Children with Mental Health Problems –http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/healthadvice/partnersincarecampaign/checklistforparents.aspx
Alcoholics Anonymous – https://www.aa.org/
Alcohol Help (Teenagers) – alcoholhelp.com/alcohol/victims-alcoholism/teenage-alcohol-abuse/
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – https://afsp.org/
Anger Management and Addiction: How to Take Charge of Anger Issues in Sobriety – http://www.swiftriver.com/anger-management-addiction/
Coping with the Loss of a Loved One – https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/CRC/PDF/Public/6036.00.pdf
Drug Abuse and Addiction: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction – https://www.helpguide.org/articles/addictions/drug-abuse-and-addiction.htm
Elderly Mental Health: How to Help Your Senior – https://www.shieldmysenior.com/elderly-mental-health/
Empowering Your LIfe – https://prisonthehiddensentence.com/podcasts/empowering-your-life-how-to-make-lemonade-out-of-lemons-with-dr-tamara-pelosi/
For Teachers: Children’s Mental Health Disorder Fact Sheet for the Classroom – http://www.bridges4kids.org/MHClassroomFactSheet.pdf
Gamblers Anonymous – https://www.gamblersanonymous.org/
National Alliance on Mental Illness – https://nami.org
Narcotics Anonymous – https://www.na.org/
National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab – https://rehabnet.com
The Recovery Village Portal – https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/family-friend-portal/
Trauma Recover – https://prisonthehiddensentence.com/podcasts/trauma-recovery-for-prison-families-with-jolyn-armstrong/
Rehab Spot – https://www.rehabspot.com/fami
Promoting Mental Health at Home: How to Design the Perfect Meditation Room – http://www.homeadvisor.com/r/meditation-room/
5 Ways to Use Feng Shui in Your Home Design – https://www.redfin.com/blog/2014/11/5-ways-to-use-feng-shui-in-your-home-design.html
my name is Melissa, Lisa for short and I’m the mom to a 31 year old incarcerated son and I don’t think I’m dealing with it well. I find myself having meltdowns randomly and I don’t have any friends that understand what it’s like or how it feels to not see your son for a year and many more yi come. I’m reaching out to see if u can help me. thank you
Hi Lisa, Having a loved one that’s incarcerated is difficult no matter how old they are. I suggest you join the Prison Families Alliance support meetings that will provide compassion, guidance and help you get through this with others who understand. I had you added to the newsletter and you can find the calendar at https://PrisonFamiliesAlliance.org/calendar. You will get through this and you are not alone. We support each other. For now, just take it a day or an hour at a time. Breathe, find support and if you can you can find a therapist to help you, too. Sending hugs.