Explore news, culture and religion resources as it relates to the criminal justice system.

Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul – http://www.angelfire.com/de/lagana/prisonersoul.html
Book – Chicken soup for soul
Die Jim Crow – https://diejimcrow.com/
News, Music, Media, Art
Fortune Society – http://www.fortunesociety.org
Helping formerly incarcerated
Inmate Classifieds – http://www.jpp.org
For 25 years, the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (JPP) has been a prisoner written, academically oriented and peer reviewed, non-profit journal, based on the tradition of the penal press. It brings the knowledge produced by prison writers together with academic arguments to enlighten public discourse about the current state of carceral institutions.
Inside Books Project – http://insidebooksproject.org/resource-guide/
Helpful resources targeted to inmates and their loved ones
Journal of Prisoners – http://www.cellblockvisions.com
Cellblock Visions is a lively collection of inmate artwork, created behind bars, from county jail to death row – the alternative artworld flourishing today in American prisons
Prison Legal News – https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/
Re-Entry: Prison legal news-newspaper
Prison Handbook – http://prisonhandbook.com/
News articles on prisons
The Marshall Project – https://www.themarshallproject.org
Nonprofit journalism about criminal justice
Aleph Institute (Judaism) – http://www.aleph-institute.org
Aleph has created and implemented a host of programs over the past twenty-four years that provide alternatives to incarceration, rehabilitate inmates, counsel and assist their families, and provide moral and ethical educational programs inculcating universal truths and concepts common to all of humanity
Correctional Ministries and Chaplains Association – https://www.cmcainternational.org/
Jewish Prisoner Services – http://www.jewishprisonerservices.org
Our mission is as follows: 1) To provide an international network for individuals and organizations which serves Jewish prisoners and their families; 2)To share information and resources; 3)To raise consciousness within Jewish communities about the issue of Jews in prison; 4)To encourage the participation of other individuals and groups; 5)To make Jewish educational, religious, cultural and spiritual resources available to prisoners; 6)To formulate guidelines of service to Jewish inmates and their families before, during and after incarceration
Jews in Prison – http://jewsinprison.org/
Resource center
Kairos Prison Ministry – http://www.kairosprisonministry.org/
KAIROS TORCH is a mentoring ministry to incarcerated offenders age 25 and under that addresses all facets of the youthful offenderʼs life including mental health, socialization and decision making
Prison Fellowship Ministries Prison Fellowship Ministries – http://www.pfm.org
Prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families, are redeemed, restored, and reconciled through the love and truth of Jesus Christ. Equip local churches and thousands of trained volunteers to spread the Gospel and nurture disciples behind prison walls
Salvation Army – Correctional Ministries:
Eastern – https://easternusa.salvationarmy.org
Western – http://salvationarmy.usawest.org/usw20/prison_ministries
Northern – https://salvationarmynorth.org/programs-that-help/rehabilitation/correctional-services/
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