Meet the team that works tirelessly to improve the lives of families and children with incarcerated loved ones. Our founders, board of directors, and officers are made up of individuals representing diverse backgrounds and professions.
Meet Our Co-Founders

Barbara Allan was a schoolteacher, wife, and mother who had no contact with the criminal justice system until 1966 when her husband was imprisoned. As she tried to deal with her feelings of isolation and confusion, she found there were others out there that were experiencing the same pain. She founded Prison Families Anonymous and has helped thousands of people over the years. Barbara published her journey in “Doing Our Time on the Outside”. She’s spoken before legislators, senate committees, and commissioners. She wrote articles and one was published in the Congressional Record. Barbara has been a leader in the community advocating for change to help those affected by incarceration.

Julia Lazareck is an advocate for change for family members who have loved ones in the criminal justice system. Her interest in the effects of incarceration on friends and family members started after her brother was incarcerated for 15-years. His sentence ended when he passed away in 2012 of Hepatitis C, while still serving his sentence in prison. She realized after his passing that she had been serving the sentence with him on the outside and was living a hidden sentence with him. Through her blog, podcast, publications and presentations, she provides information about the prison family journey. . Through “Prison Families Alliance and Prison: The Hidden Sentence“, she provides information, support platforms and hope to anyone who has a family member in the criminal justice system.
Meet Our Officers
Jacquelyn Frank, Ph.D., Vice-President
Dr. Jacquelyn Frank is a professor of Human Services and Aging Studies at Eastern Illinois University. She received her PhD. in Anthropology from Northwestern University as well as a Master of Studies in Law from the University of Illinois College of Law. For over 12 years, Dr. Frank’s research and service activities have focused on aging and eldercare in prison, health management among incarcerated individuals, and the impacts of reentry for families who have incarcerated loved ones. She has taught programs in prisons throughout Illinois and Indiana.
Janella has always had a passion for helping people. Being a part of PFA provides her with an opportunity to support the families who are affected by having an incarcerated family member. She has several years of experience as a project manager in various industries. Janella is an active member of her church and her skills have allowed her to volunteer in the church to include: budgeting, coordinating executive board meetings, managing special functions, and overseeing daily church activities. This will also help her volunteer with PFA. Janella is also a mentor to incoming college students at the College of Southern Nevada. In her spare time, Janella enjoys spending time with her family, working out and going to WNBA and NBA games.