Texas Department of Criminal Justice – http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/
Texas 211 Resource hub – https://www.211texas.org/guided-search/
Grass Roots Leadership – Texas Advocates for Justice (TAJ) – https://grassrootsleadership.org/programs/texas-advocates-justice
Mission to end the criminalization of our communities, to break down barriers to reentry from jail and prison in Texas, and to demolish the legacy of racism in the criminal justice system. TAJ unites formerly incarcerated individuals, their families, people of all faiths, and allies to build safe and resilient communities through organizing, leadership training, and connections to community resources.
Texas Center for Justice and Equity – https://www.texascje.org
Advocates at the State Capitol and in counties throughout Texas to end mass incarceration, shift funding towards community supports, and reduce racial inequities in the criminal punishment system.
Texas Inmate Families Association (TIFA) – https://tifa.org
Provides information and resources needed to navigate Texas’s prison system.
Texas Prisons Community Advocates (TPCA) – https://www.tpcadvocates.org
Mission is to support affected family members and incarcerated individuals, increase awareness, and empower all through education, collaboration, and connection to organizational resources, thereby creating effective advocates prepared to advance humane conditions within the Texas Prisons.
Texas Prisoners Network Support – http://brokenchains.us/index.html (OUTDATED – HISTORICAL DATA)
General Texas Prison Support
The StandDown Texas Project –http://standdown.typepad.com/ (CLOSED POSTING)
Identifying and Advocating Best Practices in the Criminal Justice System. A Texas-Centric Examination of Current Conditions, Reform Initiatives, and Emerging Issues with a Special Emphasis on Capital Punishment.
Hello I have a Family Member thats a non-combat veteran that needs help applying for benefits if any. I have a copy of their discharge papers so If you can reach out and let me know if anything can be done. I can provide more information about the unit they’re at and anything else you may need.
Thank you for reaching out. There are resources available to help your family member apply for benefits. You can start by contacting the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or a Veterans Service Organization (VSO) for assistance. They can review the discharge papers and determine eligibility for healthcare, pensions, or other benefits.
For direct assistance, consider:
VA Benefits Hotline: 1-800-827-1000
VA website: http://www.va.gov
Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) such as the American Legion, VFW, or DAV, which offer free claims assistance.
If they need local support, many state and county veterans’ offices also provide assistance. Let me know if you need help finding resources in their area!
Greetings, my son has a couple of diagnoses of add, adhd,difience disorder,by polar. He writes to ne that he is being mistreated even retaliated on for a couple of scuffles that took place with the officers his messages are being botched Im just reaching out for support & guidance this is un humane Im not from Texas Im here trying to understand their laws & systems my son needs a pen pal or a visiting counselor Im in N.Y. Traveling is a stretch for me at this moment we never been to Texas before my son wound up there leaning on his own understanding I pray daily for him & world reform
We understand how difficult it is. For your support, attend one of the Prison Families Alliance online meetings – https://PrisonFamiliesAlliance.org/calendar. We also recommend looking for local resources in that area that may be able to provide guidance.
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